
Chiropractic Care – In 1895, D.D. Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard and helped restore his hearing. This was the start of chiropractic adjustments as we know them today. Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally.Chiropractic Care – In 1895, D.D. Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard and helped restore his hearing. This was the start of chiropractic adjustments as we know them today. Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally.Our Chiropractors use the most advanced chiropractic techniques from years of training, expertise and experience in helping patients get relief from numerous conditions originating from the spine. Chiropractic care can not only relieve and correct current pain and problems, but also can also prevent injuries and help you achieve total health and wellness.
Gentle Pediatric Wellness Care & Well-Child Exam – Infants & children undergo and experience many different traumatic events and forces. From being in a curled up position in the womb, through the birthing process, falls, sports, and wearing backpacks, children & infants experience misalignments and subluxation of their spine. Adjustments help optimize your child’s nervous system & spine growth, and help reduce future issues. For more information on how chiropractic may help your child, please ask for a copy of the chiropractic and kids handout and our healthy child handout.
Rehabilitation & Physiotherapies – The following therapies assist to speed up the healing process by decreasing inflammation, increasing blood flow to the area, and helping balance the surrounding structures of the affected area.• Corrective Exercises• Myofascial Release• Low level laser therapy• Electrical Muscle Stim• Ultrasound• Kinesio Taping
Lifestyle Advice & Nutritional Counseling – Although many of our patients seek chiropractic care to address pain symptoms, our chiropractors look to treat the body as a whole. Often we find it helpful to encourage and “coach” our patients towards achieving a healthier lifestyle. Educating the patient to avoid or perform differently a certain activity, to prevent further aggravation of a condition, is one way we may do this. Our doctor may provide lifestyle advice for safe transitions into physical activity, exercise and weight loss, healthier eating choices, supplementation or vitamins.
Scoliosis Screenings – When looking at the spine front to back, or vice versa, we want the spine to be in a straight line from top to bottom. When the spine curves to the side, 10 or more degrees measured on x-ray, we call this deformity scoliosis. The cause for scoliosis is unknown, but is believed to run in families. About 80% of scoliosis cases are found in adolescents 10-18 years age, but may be present/developed in younger age groups as well. Spinal deformity associated with scoliosis can affect other functions of the body such as walking, breathing, cardiovascular function, pain & movement. Early detection of scoliosis can help with prevention of early spinal degeneration and needless debilitation.
Spinal & Postural Screenings – Our doctor and trained staff perform spinal & postural screenings by assessing and measuring heights and placement of various landmarks on the body. Such assessments include shoulder height, hip/pelvis height, weight distribution through each foot, forward head posture, etc. The gathered information is suggestive of possible misalignments and curvatures of the spine. These screenings are provided at no charge.
Foot Evaluation & Orthotics – For a stable and secure house, we first need a strong and stable foundation. The same goes for us. Our foundation begins with our feet and unstable feet can lead to a lot of other issues. The foot consists of 3 arches. With activities and being on our feet a lot, most of us experience decrease in these arches. With decreased arches, custom orthotics are recommended. Custom orthotics are comfortable inserts for shoes that are custom fit to you and help lift and support all 3 arches. We provide free footscans to assess the arches and determine if orthotics are right for you.
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 10:00am
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic
1316 Bad Axe Court Suite A
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 637-8111
Fax (608) 637-8722